Home News Flexibility and trust are key to developing well-being at Stalatube

Flexibility and trust are key to developing well-being at Stalatube

At Stalatube, the well-being and satisfaction of our staff is key. We are improving these areas together with our staff. Jenny Reitti, Sales Development Manager at Stalatube, has successfully combined family life and work, thanks to her employer’s flexibility. Jenny’s career path at Stalatube has included roles as Sales Development Engineer, Export Manager and currently Sales Development Manager. In her experience, the employer’s flexible practices have made everyday life much easier and less stressful, especially with young children.

The possibility of teleworking has been an important factor in making everyday life easier. For example, not having to take sore children to the doctor every time for a sick note, but being able to work from home when needed, says Jenny.

Genuine trust and flexibility in employees has been valued. Jenny has been able to work part-time during maternity and parental leave, which shows how Stalatube is prepared to tailor its working arrangements.

Returning to work after family leave is always a big change, but Stalatube has been able to accommodate this well, tells Jenny.

The future tasks and Jenny’s wishes were discussed together well in advance of her return to work, which has given her time to prepare for her return to work. At Stalatube, care was taken to set realistic goals at the beginning to make the adjustment to the new role smoother. Jenny felt welcomed back to the office and was given sufficient support from both colleagues and the supervisor.

I think Stalatube has a wonderfully sensible approach to the fact that it is worth supporting employees in balancing family and work. I think this makes Stalatube an excellent employer and increases retention, says Jenny.

Flexibility and new ways of working are key to supporting employee well-being. An open discussion about what both sides expect helps to find solutions that serve both the employer and the employee. This allows the employee to give their best effort. Work is more enjoyable and more productive when different life situations are taken into account. Stalatube also offers many other employee benefits that have been very well liked by staff.