Stalatube is the cleanest tube manufacturer in its field.
Our strategy is to create added value for our customers by providing even stronger yet lighter steel structural solutions that require less material. In return, the overall weight of the final product can be reduced. As a good example, in the transport industry, this is very critical in terms of gasoline and electric consumption. By investing in high-strength stainless steel, the customer can affect their emissions and directly reduce the carbon footprint of their products.
Stainless steel circular economy
Stainless steel is 100 % circular. We guarantee that at least 75% of the raw materials used in the production are recycled. In practice, the average rate is 88% (2024). This is based on choices; we only collaborate with suppliers whose share of recycled steel in the raw materials is over 75%. We monitor the emission accumulation of purchased raw materials annually.
The share of raw material emissions in Stalatube’s carbon footprint is over 90%. That’s why we only buy from responsible raw material suppliers who, through their manufacturing process, are reducing the carbon footprint of the entire value chain. In addition, we have developed our manufacturing process to be more efficient. We have reduced the waste generated from production by 16% over the past three years.
The raw material is primarily purchased from Europe, as we do not engage in emission exports.

Corporate GHG emissions
Carbon footprint calculation according to the GHG Protocol includes mandatory scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, meaning direct emissions from the factory and emissions resulting from the production of purchased energy. Adding scope 3 emissions to the overall calculation is optional, but it provides a true picture of the impacts caused by the company’s entire operations. In the emission structure of manufacturing industry companies, Scope 3 is the largest, as it is also at Stalatube (98.4%).
Stalatube’s company emissions in 2023: 37 266 t CO2e
- Scope 1: Direct emissions 89.8 t CO2e
- Scope 2: Indirect emissions 943.0 t CO2e
- Scope 3: Other indirect emissions in the value chain 36 232.8 t CO2e
Our operations are certified according to the international environmental standard and we expect the same responsibility and values from our suppliers and other partners.
Life Cycle Assassment and EPD
Stalatube has carried out a Life-Cycle Assessment study as a basis for five Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), complying with ISO 14040:2006 + A1:2020, EN ISO 14044:2006 + A1:2018 +A2:2020, EN 15804:2012 + A2:2019, and PCR for Construction products v.1.3.1. The report aims to provide customers with reliable and comparable information on the environmental impact of Stalatube’s products.
The objective of the LCA study is to understand where in the life cycle of the products the environmental burden lay, to highlight where actions to reduce the environmental burden should be taken, and to illustrate where in the life cycle the environmental hot spots are most significant. Additionally, the results are compiled to produce an EPD.
As one of the first stainless steel hollow section manufacturers, Stalatube has launched Environmental Product Declarations for stainless steel hollow sections. The declarations are ready for the following hollow section grades and are published on our site.

Silver medal in the EcoVadis assessment
As part of our commitment to society, our people and the environment, Stalatube completes a thorough assessment of its business sustainability practices every year through EcoVadis. The EcoVadis assessment includes 21 sustainability criteria across four core themes: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. In our first rating, completed in December 2024, we earned a silver medal and scored a 70/100, placing Stalatube in the top 10 % of more than 150 000 companies globally.

We supply all of our products in compliance with requirements and standards and continuously develop their quality together with our customers. Our quality management system is certified under the international ISO 9001 standard. We have ISO 3834-2 certification for our welding quality management.