The STALA Connect press part is designed to improve the fatigue strength of welded tube connections. It can be used in L, T and X joints. STALA Connect allows loads to be transferred further away from the joint. STALA Connect offers up to 40% higher fatigue strength compared to traditional joints.

The new press part solution for welded tube connections

The new innovation for lightweight bus body structures where the fatigue strength of welded tube connections is needed. By utilizing STALA Connect press parts in L, T and X joints you can have 40 % increase in the FAT Class. By combining STALA high-strength tubes with STALA Connect press parts, you can optimize your bus structural design, and possibly reduce the wall thickness of tube materials.


  • Outer Radius 100 mm
  • Width 40 / 50 mm or according to the customer request

Remarkable decrease in Axial and Bending Stresses

STALA Connect simulation results show that by utilizing the press parts – 78 % decrease in axial stress and – 58 % decrease in bending stress can be achieved.

40% of increasing the FAT Class

Increasing the FAT (Fatigue Assessment Technique) class is crucial for several reasons:

Enhanced Material Strength Utilization

A higher FAT class signifies that welded joints can endure greater stress ranges without experiencing fatigue failure. This advancement allows engineers to design structures that fully leverage the superior yield strength of high-strength materials, rather than being limited by the fatigue performance of the welds.

Decreased Overdesign Requirements

With an elevated fatigue strength classification, there is less need to overdesign components. This means that engineers can avoid unnecessarily increasing thickness or applying overly conservative safety factors to compensate for lower fatigue performance. As a result, this can lead to significant weight savings and reductions in material costs.


Ask us more

Jori Määttänen

Sales DirectorHollow sections & profiles, Transport IndustryStalatube Oy (Finland)

Emrah Dutkun

R&D ManagerStalatube Oy (Finland)

Technical support, Transport industry