Home News Introducing Our 2023 Greenhouse Gas Protocol Report 

Introducing Our 2023 Greenhouse Gas Protocol Report 

Teppo Lassila, our EQHS Manager, shares insight about our 2023 Greenhouse Gas Protocol Report in his new blog post. Read below.

Measuring Our Environmental Impact 

At Stalatube Oy, we take our environmental responsibilities seriously. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we are pleased to release our 2023 Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) report. This comprehensive document outlines our efforts to measure, manage, and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. 

What Is the GHGP? 

The GHGP is a globally recognized standard for accounting and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. It provides a consistent framework for organizations to assess their environmental impact across three key scopes: 

  1. Scope 1 Emissions: Direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the company (e.g., fuel combustion, manufacturing processes). 
  1. Scope 2 Emissions: Indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heat, or steam. 
  1. Scope 3 Emissions: Indirect emissions from activities outside the company’s direct control (e.g., raw material, transport). 

Our Reporting Process 

Our 2023 GHGP report follows rigorous guidelines set by the protocol. Here are some key highlights: 

  • Base Year and progress trend: This is our third year of accounting our GHG emissions and we have gained a lot of insight to our environmental effects and also see a trendline of reduced emissions forming. Compared to the first year on reporting, 2021, we have significantly reduced our total emissions by almost 60%! 
  • Value chain emissions, scope 3: Our value based decision to partner with the best raw material suppliers in the industry has delivered a massive payoff in reducing the emissions derived from raw materials. 
  • Targets and Goals: We have reached the required maturity level in understanding our most impactful emission sources in order to align our targets with the global net-zero initiatives. 

Why It Matters 

Transparency matters. By sharing our GHGP report, we demonstrate our commitment to environmental stewardship. It allows stakeholders—owners, customers, employees, and the public—to understand our impact and hold us accountable. 

Next Steps 

We invite you to explore our full 2023 GHGP report on our website. Together, we can create a more sustainable future. 

Thank you for your interest in our emission reduction journey! 

The writer

Teppo Lassila

EQHS Manager IWE & IWI-CStalatube Oy (Finland)

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