The STALA Opti tube offers an excellent combination of flexural strength and light in weight. Heavier wall thickness at the end of the tubes allows for the use of higher heat input during welding without the risk of burning through. Reinforcement inside the tube increases buckling resistance significantly.
The new reinforced tube with optimized strength, fatigue, and stiffness properties
The optimal solution in those bus body structure areas where stiffness is required. STALAopti offers excellent flexural strength for our customers looking for strength and durability without weight increase and stronger joints. This is a unique solution for strengthening the needed area and eliminating the weight increase at the same time suitable mainly for bus body structures.
- High flexural strength and buckling resistance.
- Avoid problems related to welding of thin wall thicknesses.
- Big weight-saving potential.
It is available in all stainless steel grades in our product portfolio.

Do you want to know more?
Read a blog post by Emrah Dutkun, our R&D Manager where he shares more insights about STALA Opti and it’s benefits.